I clearly remember the day that I went to go and buy my very first DSLR.
After months and months of saving, opening the box and pulling out it's shiny, perfect, black Canon body, I must have resembled a little girl on Christmas morning. I couldn't have imagined that morning, that less than two years later it would be sitting in its bag at the top of my cupboard; lonely, abandoned and unused for over six months.
A few weeks ago that was the case. Getting overly involved in the hustle and bustle of everyday life meant that I had totally forgotten about my old friend.
But recently all of that has changed, and I'm so looking forward to the fast approaching December holidays to get snapping away!
In the mean time here are a few recent snaps of my furry little monster…
The Designers Bad Hair Day
You know how so often you find that your hairdresser has more 'bad hair days' than any one else you know. Well thats what I feel it's like being a designer, give me a design project for anyone but myself and it's no trouble at all. But the moment I have to design something for myself I seem to get trapped in a web of indecisive, non-directive total confusion.
The last few weeks have been pretty eventful. I wrote my first set of honours exams, all of Charlie Brown's Masters lectures are slowly coming to an end (I can't believe he starts working from the beginning of next year). And today we sold our beloved 'Frogger', Charlie Brown's bright green Kia Picanto that's been with us for almost 10 years now.
The year is coming to a very speedy ending all of a sudden! Having to focus on work (and up until recently my studies) meant that there was little time to think about doing anything other than the task that lay directly ahead. Now, after having finished writing exams, I feel like I have so much spare time on the one hand, and an impossible amount of things to do on the other.
It is for this very reason that I am overly excited to tell you, that after a lot of back and fourth I have finally managed to redesign my CV, and I am currently working on updating and spring cleaning my website. So if you have any free time on your hands please come visit my website krystlekhandesign
I'm back! (and married) :)
It's probably been just over a year since my last post! And gee whizz have I missed it!
The reason for my unexpected hiatus was a jam packed year full of exciting hecticness! Working a full time job, studying via correspondence, free lance designing and planning my dream wedding was my excuse. But I'm back, and this years motto is all about taking time out to appreciate the little things and getting to spend some more "me time" with me!
So to wet your appetite with a little bit of what can be expected from me in the year ahead I've posted a few of my favourite pics from our big day!
Looking forward to seeing you all here soon.
Mrs Kemp
The reason for my unexpected hiatus was a jam packed year full of exciting hecticness! Working a full time job, studying via correspondence, free lance designing and planning my dream wedding was my excuse. But I'm back, and this years motto is all about taking time out to appreciate the little things and getting to spend some more "me time" with me!
So to wet your appetite with a little bit of what can be expected from me in the year ahead I've posted a few of my favourite pics from our big day!
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That's me:) |
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From left to right: Charlie Brown's Big Brother, Charlie's one best man, Charlie, his other best man, and my baby brother. |
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Charlie and I leaving the Chapel. |
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My beautiful Bridesmaids and I |
Mrs Kemp
*Everything happens for a reason*
For the last few months our every movement has been dependent on whether or not Charlie would get into Clinical Psych Masters or not, and if so where!?
The whole process is a huge waiting game, from sending in your application, to waiting for a reply, to hopefully getting an interview, to then hopefully going on the so called interview and hopefully the next few after that, to even more hopefully getting in. It's been hurry up and wait for us since March. Something we thought we were adequately prepared for.
However when the clouds felt as though they were losing their silver lining, and phrases like "everything happens for a reason" became an every day occurrence, the few months we had previously made peace with, started looking like another full year (if not more) of playing the waiting game.
All things changed however, when Charlie went to interview with the last university he had received an invite too. 5 days of interviews, a roller coster of emotions and the happiest, proudest Charlie I had ever seen, he'd made it in to the top 12 Clinical Psych Masters class for 2013.
I can honestly say that it was truly one of the happiest days of my life. My fiance had achieved something he had been working towards his whole life. He was ecstatic, I was overjoyed. Life is perfect.
After a few days of floating on cloud nine, reality sinks in (in a good way) and Charlie and I had to start considering all the things we would have to sort out before starting the Uni year in January. Top of our list, me find job, us find new house, us get second car!
Well my big news is that as of last week I officially have a new job in Joburg, and in three weeks time we will be packing up our worldly possessions and heading to Gauteng! Charlie is on the hunt for a new apartment, whilst I finish up working at my current job! And a new car will hopefully be on the cards within the week.
If you told me even three weeks ago that we would be where we are now, I would never have believed you. Sometimes it really feels that life knows how to pack those punches. I've always thought I was a believer in "everything happens for a reason" but a few weeks ago I had really begun second guessing that little motto.
It's easy to say in hindsight, now that everything has worked out even better than we could have ever hoped for, but when I think back on little things that have occurred all year, that have ultimately lead us to where we are, I am more of a believer in that little saying than ever.
So if you're having a bit of a rough time at the moment- don't worry, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
The whole process is a huge waiting game, from sending in your application, to waiting for a reply, to hopefully getting an interview, to then hopefully going on the so called interview and hopefully the next few after that, to even more hopefully getting in. It's been hurry up and wait for us since March. Something we thought we were adequately prepared for.
However when the clouds felt as though they were losing their silver lining, and phrases like "everything happens for a reason" became an every day occurrence, the few months we had previously made peace with, started looking like another full year (if not more) of playing the waiting game.
All things changed however, when Charlie went to interview with the last university he had received an invite too. 5 days of interviews, a roller coster of emotions and the happiest, proudest Charlie I had ever seen, he'd made it in to the top 12 Clinical Psych Masters class for 2013.
I can honestly say that it was truly one of the happiest days of my life. My fiance had achieved something he had been working towards his whole life. He was ecstatic, I was overjoyed. Life is perfect.
After a few days of floating on cloud nine, reality sinks in (in a good way) and Charlie and I had to start considering all the things we would have to sort out before starting the Uni year in January. Top of our list, me find job, us find new house, us get second car!
Well my big news is that as of last week I officially have a new job in Joburg, and in three weeks time we will be packing up our worldly possessions and heading to Gauteng! Charlie is on the hunt for a new apartment, whilst I finish up working at my current job! And a new car will hopefully be on the cards within the week.
If you told me even three weeks ago that we would be where we are now, I would never have believed you. Sometimes it really feels that life knows how to pack those punches. I've always thought I was a believer in "everything happens for a reason" but a few weeks ago I had really begun second guessing that little motto.
It's easy to say in hindsight, now that everything has worked out even better than we could have ever hoped for, but when I think back on little things that have occurred all year, that have ultimately lead us to where we are, I am more of a believer in that little saying than ever.
So if you're having a bit of a rough time at the moment- don't worry, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
The Wedding Expo!
Do you know what I love? Well among other things, weddings and expos, so imagine how absolutely excited I am about the upcomming wedding expo which will be held at the Coca-Cola Dome in Joburg this weekend the 25-26th of August. Tickets are R100 and can be bought online or at the gate.
A Wedding mood board with love*
The one key ingredient that I've really been missing during my wedding planning process is having my girlfriends close-by. With the closest ones more than a 2hour flight away, I've been missing them hugely! While phone calls and emails are great, they just can't compare to a face-to-face chat while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee!
One of my beautiful bridesmaids made and mailed this to me a few days ago and I just think it's the sweetest thing ever. Plus I absolutly adore ever single image she chose.
Thanks so much Lau, this means so much to me! xox
One of my beautiful bridesmaids made and mailed this to me a few days ago and I just think it's the sweetest thing ever. Plus I absolutly adore ever single image she chose.
Thanks so much Lau, this means so much to me! xox
What a lucky fish! My Diana dream comes true
You know when your just having a royally poo day, where nothing seems to be going your way and you being to wonder why you bothered getting out of bed?! Well last week, that was me. On the brink of tears and feeling particularly sorry for myself I was trying to pull it together- when the postman knocked on the door.
Not accustomed to getting mail I flippantly flipped though the post to see who to give what to, when a little postage slip with my name on it caught my eye! Intrigued I looked a little closer to see if I could see any hint of who sent it, or where it came from.
My curiosity grew even more when I saw it came from a close friend in Korea. Not expecting anything from anyone, and desperately needing a short break, I quickly popped out of the office. And there I was greeted by a lovely brown box. I ripped the tape off the box only to uncover the most heart-felt and wonderful post-card with a Diana mini attached.
I can't even put into words how touched I was, and still am by the gift. Months ago, before I left Korea, this particular friend and I saw a Diana in the shop and I 'oohed' and 'aahed' over how much I wanted one, at the time Charlie and I were frantically saving every last penny before coming back to South Africa and I had to put my wish on hold. Even more sweet is that my friend had remembered that I love 'Hello Kitty' (I even have the cell-phone cover) and had bought me a 'Hello Kitty' themed Diana.
The package was so much more than a camera, it was all the thought and kindness that went into it. I'm so blessed to have so many thoughtful and wonderful friends.
Can't wait to get snapping!
Not accustomed to getting mail I flippantly flipped though the post to see who to give what to, when a little postage slip with my name on it caught my eye! Intrigued I looked a little closer to see if I could see any hint of who sent it, or where it came from.
My curiosity grew even more when I saw it came from a close friend in Korea. Not expecting anything from anyone, and desperately needing a short break, I quickly popped out of the office. And there I was greeted by a lovely brown box. I ripped the tape off the box only to uncover the most heart-felt and wonderful post-card with a Diana mini attached.
I can't even put into words how touched I was, and still am by the gift. Months ago, before I left Korea, this particular friend and I saw a Diana in the shop and I 'oohed' and 'aahed' over how much I wanted one, at the time Charlie and I were frantically saving every last penny before coming back to South Africa and I had to put my wish on hold. Even more sweet is that my friend had remembered that I love 'Hello Kitty' (I even have the cell-phone cover) and had bought me a 'Hello Kitty' themed Diana.
The package was so much more than a camera, it was all the thought and kindness that went into it. I'm so blessed to have so many thoughtful and wonderful friends.
Can't wait to get snapping!
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