I'm in the market to buy a new handbag. At the moment my only relatively expensive handbag is falling apart at the seams, and my other handbags are like 10 dollar specials that I bought on the side of the street. How much I actually have to spend on that handbag is debatable (if anything at all really), but a girl can dream right? I've been doing some research and have nailed it down to three handbags, only now I'm confused as to which one I like the most (let's not worry about the fact that I probably can't actually afford it for the moment, and focus on more important things).
I've always been a big bag kinda girl, I definitely have the Mary Poppins complex and carry around way more than I probably need to. So all the bags are big, and they are all leather- because if I'm going to be spending a small fortune on it I want it to last. Coincidently they are all Michael Kors designs, but if you can suggest a sexy alternative, please do! Lastly, I'm focusing more on design here so I'v chosen all the same colour bags in the pictures- but each bag does come in a variety of different colours.
Ok, so here they are, in no particular order...
Moxley Large Satchel
Things I love about this bag:
It has a zip that runs across the top of the bag. With big bags such as this one, I always worry that something could easily fall out, or that someone could easily slip their hand into the bag without me noticing, so I prefer having a zip to seal it properly.
Things I'm not so sure about:
I worry that even for me its a little too big- nah, who am I kidding thats never a problem. But I do worry that maybe I should get it in black because its a more classic colour and will go with a lot more stuff. Maybe that old-fashioned thinking? Should a bag match what you're wearing? I'm not sure.
Erin Large Shoulder Tote
Things I love about this bag:
I love the size of this bag, it also comes in a variety of colours, and unlike the other two bags I actually like it in black.
Things I'm not so sure about:
It only has a magnet to hold the bag closed as far as I can see. Chris isn't mental about this one, he thinks it looks a bit cheap, I'm not sure that I agree with him, but it makes convincing him its a warranted purchase a lot easier if he actually likes it.
Moxley Shoulder Tote
Things I love about this bag:
Chris likes it, which is a big help in the purchasing department. I like it because it only has one strap. I find when bags have the handle strap and the shoulder strap things can get a bit messy and when your using the handle strap its easy to drag the shoulder strap on the floor.
Things I'm not so sure about:
I can't tell wether or not it comes with a zip at the top- but I think its just a magnet. In some of the colours it comes in, like black, it has a shiny look to it that I've never really been fond of.
Ok, well there they are, any help or comments on the subject would be much appreciated! Just leave a comment underneath this post. It's as easy as 1,2,3.
Found this post about mid range designer handbags very informative:) http://fashionbeautywomen.blogspot.com/2011/07/mid-range-designer-handbag-brand-guide.html
ReplyDeleteHey Krystle :)
ReplyDeleteI would go with handbag number 2,Erin Large Shoulder Tote, even if Chris is not fond of it.
I love the detail on the handbag, and its a great size.
Oh about the colour, think of moving away from Black- its perfectly fine to spruce up an outfit with some colour in the form of a handbag.
Let me know if you get any of them.
Happy Bag shopping ;)
The Erin Large shoulder Tote does it come in black or blue?
ReplyDeleteI'm with Chris - love the Moxley shoulder tote - is it Michael Kors as well?? I think tan is pretty classic and black is not always great in summer, if you plan to use it all year round. There you have it - my 2 cents worth!
ReplyDelete@Phinx- It looks like it comes in a variety of colours including ,black, luggage, vanilla, peanut, navy, and a very light purple/move. Not sure about grey though. Hope this helps:)
ReplyDelete@Sonia, thanks for the lovely comment, I really like it too, but I think I may be heading in the direction of number 3. Just when I thought I decided I found the "hamilton" Michael Kors collection and now I'm all confused again:P
ReplyDelete@Gabrielle, I totally agree with you on the Tan colour- I really like it. Now just got to take the plunge. Will let you know what decision I make when I finally decide!
ReplyDeleteHi Krys. I like the shoulder tote. I just LOVE Michael Kors bags. Another really good colour is one they call Oxblood. It goes with anything, looks great with black and with denim.
ReplyDeleteThanks Denise:) I'll have a look and see if I can find it.